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The Carson County Square House Museum in Panhandle is excited to showcase the paintings of renowned artist, Larry Hilburn of Hollis, Okla. during the months of June, July and August.

Mr. Hilburn’s art background is wide and varied. His works in oils, watercolors, drawings, and graphic media vary in style and mood – ranging from realism to semi-abstraction. Imagination and creativity are apparent in every work. He has a Bachelor of Art degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and a Master’s Degree from West Texas State University in Canyon. He received a Fulbright Art Scholarship and studied at the Beaux Arts at the University of Paris, the Ecole DuLouvre, the Museum D’Art Moderne and the Jue Du Paume in Paris, France. He has held exhibitions in more than nine states and Paris.

The Amarillo Globe-News says of his work: “Hilburn’s art works express clearly his belief that an artist must not limit his field expression or imagination by aligning himself with only one school of thought or theory but rather keep a clear, open mind to all creative ideas.” The Taos News states: “Larry Hilburn’s paintings show endless imagination. Most outstanding is his Esquisse Sculptee, a unique sculptured drawing, developed by the artist, involving a series of chemical layers which results in the excitement of two senses – touch and sight.”

Mr. Hilburn’s artwork is available for purchase with two-thirds of the proceeds to go to the Square House Museum and the Panhandle Inn.

A reception and question/answer session will be held in the Hazlewood Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, June 8, 2014 from 2:30 to 4 o’clock.

Please plan to attend and meet this prestigious and gifted artist and view his many exceptional works. “We are very excited to host his many paintings and sculptures,” said Janie Plumlee, Square House Museum Administrative Assistant.

Night At The Inn

June 1, 2013
Julie Johncox, President of J.P. Solutions, was contracted to provide the Panhandle Inn Foundation with a strategic business plan for the renovation of the Panhandle Inn.


The business plan was received June 1, 2013.

Cost $1,500

May 30, 2013

Panhandle Elementary Staff had a going away party for 1st grade teacher, Panhandle Inn Foundation President, Julie Young.  The teachers' lounge was decorated, refreshments were served and well wishers were gathered.  The staff presented Julie with $1000 that had been collected for the Panhandle Inn.

April 27, 2013                            JUNK HIPPIE SHOW


The Panhandle Inn Foundation set up a booth at the Amarillo Civic Center for the traveling  JUNK HIPPIE SHOW.  Items sold were:  Mosaics by artists Nancy Riley and Johnnie Kirkwood, Panhandle Inn notecards, City of Panhandle vintage streetsigns, and "SAVE THE INN!" tee shirts.


Volunteers-Margie Braidfoot

                        Julie Young

                        Kim Fuller


Booth Rental-$75




April 14, 2013             SWAT 2nd TEAR DOWN and CLEAN UP


Panhandle High and Jr. High SWAT members gathered at the Panhandle inn for their 2nd tear out and clean up day.  Members helping were: Brent Weiss, Bradlee Brandvik, Katelynn Lacey, Ali Gustafson, Mary Cowan, and Kaylee Brassfield.


The amount and quality of work completed by these six students is impressive and so greatly appreciated.


February 4, 2013


The Panhandle Inn was featured on kvii's "Panhandle Spirit".  This feature may be found on You Tube.  


Thanks to Scott Sherwood, Bill McLeod, Jerry Schaeffer, Brad Fields, and Rob Roach for your commentary.

December 7, 2012


Panhandle Inn Foundation receives the Fondren Preservation Service Fund for Texas to match local funds to help support the Architectural Master Plans, Feasibility Study & Concept Drawings Project.  National Trust for Historic Preservation $10,000

December 6, 2012                                          Christmas on the Town


Margie opened the Inn from 4 - 8.  Panhandle High School Nutrition Class (Karla Richardson's) made an assortment of Christmas sweet treats.  Nancy Riley, artist and high school art teacher, donated four original water colors of the Panhandle Inn.  (WOW!)  Christmas wreaths and gift tags left over from last year were available.  Panhandle Inn notecards, SAVE THE INN! shirts, mosaics made from original linoleum and city sighns were also available.  Coffee was served.


11 shirts were sold

$100 anonymous donation

Home Ec. class $55.40 supplies expense

Profit $386.50

July 17, 2013 
Phillip Winegeart of Spotted Moose Productions presented his Panhandle Inn narrative for review.

November 3, 2012                                     SWAT CLEAN UP


SWAT- Students Working As A Team


the team cleaned up decorations from the spook house and began removing plaster from the walls and hauling it out.  The team worked in the main and middle halls up stairs and almost completed each.


Members working: Cory Throgmorton, Adrian Chavez, Brent Weiss, Mac Reining, Lindsey Combs, Kaylee Brassfield, Kaitlyn Lacey, Brady Cooke.


Sponsor- Drew Brassfield


City provided the dump truck


Panhandle Inn provided Panther Pizza- $74.14

November 3, 2012                          Spooky Movie Night


Hosts:  Panhandle High School Student Council

Chairman: John Henry Smith

Sound System: Nathan Vogt

Sponsors: Nancy Riley, Nathan and Marry Vogt


    Chamber of Commerce

                    Homecoming Pregame Meal September 27,2012

Set up information table and two 4th grade students helped to hand out information about the Panhandle Inn  SAVE THE INN! t-shirts were available for $5 each.

Homecoming Open House

9-28-12  Open House at the Panhandle Inn  106 guests signed in.  The Shop in The Inn was open with Christmas wreaths, original vintage tile mosaics, vintage replica Panhandle Inn postcard notecards, and vintage Panhandle street signs were available for purchase.  Information brouchures were given to guests.  Architect Charles Lynch was available to answer guest questions.  Beautiful overcast day, lights in the shop made for warm cozy fall day.  Early morning rain made for a damp building.

   Elementary Letter 

                                    September 23, 2012

Tin Ceiling Tiles


12,000 sq. ft. of tin ceiling tiles were donated by Davidson Leasing of Amarillo in exchange for documentation of inkind donation.  Panhandle Inn Foundation was extremely appreciative of this incredible donation.  The ceiling tiles are an exact match to the tiles original to the Inn.



Welcome! Be our guest and enjoy scrolling through The Inn's News and Events.  Most recent is here at the top.  We are glad you are visiting


4-19-12  PUBLIC INVESTIGATION Fundraiser

Amarillo Globe News Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thursday, October 27, 2011

                            Sunday October 30, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thursday, September 8, 2011 Panhandle Inn Foundation to Host Open House Saturday

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday, May 18, 2000

         Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Larry Hilburn Art Exhibit



Article courtesy of Panhandle Herald

              PI Race

Sherrie Bronniman and Carrisa Stamps did a great job planning and running off the Raise the Roof PI Race.  


They raised over $600 for the Panhandle Inn.


Runners participated in the Double PI-6 miles, the Pi- 3 miles and the 1/2 Pi- One Mile Walk.

October, 2017

Outside the Inn Winetasting Fundraiser

Hosted by the 501 Winery and the Board of Directors of the Panhandle Inn Foundation.

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